Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Project Packaging, Season 4 Challenge 1

The first challenge was all about snack food in a bag. We saw cookies, muffins, sunflower seeds and cheese puffs, interesting mix. Below are the finished products.

JUDGE: The very distinguished Hank Richardson.

Some of his insights on packaging, design and life... ( in no particular order)

> Whenever you are presenting your design make sure your Brand Value is articulated
> When designing anything think of typefaces as voices, too many typefaces and no one can understand you
> In package design, one of the critical things to think about is protection of the product you are packaging
> Good brands build trust, duh
> Always do the squink factor and check hierarchy, figure out who is the hero of the package
> Burkey Belser, lawyer who developed nutrition facts
> Packages are mini posters on the shelf
> God is in the details
> Tell stories

And now for the winner...

Amos cookies

Some other contestants...

Pirate's Booty

Davids Sunflower Seeds

Bon Appettit Cookies

Daisy's Muffins

Frito-Lay Sunflower Seeds

Red Mill Cake Mix

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